The year was 1992 & I was only 9 years old when my vampire obsession began! Now that I look back, I can't believe I was so young, but it was all quite innocent. The thing that started it all was a little show on Nickelodeon's late night program Snick, entitled Are You Afraid of the Dark. The Episode was "The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors." The story was pretty tame, good for a 9 year old. What got me was it the mystery? The charmingness of the neighbors? Whichever, I was hooked.
My next vampire memory is Interview With a Vampire {which is STILL my top favorite movie of all time to this day}. This came out in 1994, so I am quite sure I did not see it at that time. I do not remember my first time seeing it. All the time they were able to live, all the things they got to see and do. That is my biggest allure. I tried reading the book, but after seeing the movie soooo many times, going to the book was so different. I could not get through it, all I could imagine was the movie. Another draw was the fashion! Is it weird that I wanted/want all of Claudia's cute lil dresses, especially {spoiler alert?!} the one she dies in, its to die for {literally!}.
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I love beautiful book covers. |
Then Twilight came along. I was living in VA and a friend of mine told me about this series she was reading. She even gave me the 1st one as a birthday present. I distinctly remember reading the first one so quickly that I still had birthday money left over {which is surprising as I spend as soon as I receive} and was able to go to Borders and buy the second and third books right away. I was even able to purchase Eclipse with Stephanie Meyer's signature in it. I am such a hopeless romantic that I was pulled right in.
Then came True Blood. I cannot remember if I began watching the show as it aired or bought season one when it was over. But regardless in June of 2009 I began reading the books. I bought one through seven and was ready for the SDCC panel in July of that same year. I have finished up to book ten as of now {two more have come out since} and Sookie STILL hasn't wanted to turn. That is so hard for me to get over as, if I was her, I would want to turn. So many things you would get to see and do! Also look young forever..sign me up :)
Next was The Vampire Diaries. I had read the books {another friend recommendation} and was super excited for the show. I did drop off a bit in the middle, but just finished a full marathon this summer to be ready for the SDCC panel in 2012 and the season four premiere that just aired.
My love for vampires peaked in 2010 when we were on vacation in NYC for Christmas. On one of our many subway trips I saw a poster for a show about three roommates: a vampire, ghost and werewolf. My group was walking fast ahead of me and I remember pointing it out to them and saying I wanted to watch this. I highly anticipated the premiere of the show Being Human on the SyFy network. I even persuaded The Hunny into watching it and it is now our FAVORITE show on TV. In 2011 we had the chance to see their SDCC panel AND get to meet them! That was the highlight of our con! We CANNOT wait for the return in Monday January 14th, 2013. It will make getting through Monday a bit easier!
Just recently I began reading comics and one of my obsessions since I LOVE the movie is 30 Days of Night. The reboot of the original comic series, is such a great way to continue on with such a great story. It has such strong and interesting characters. They are re-releasing the original series of graphic novels just in time for Christmas {added to wish list!}. I love the movie, it is extremely dark and scary. I'm not usually a huge horror fan {I like the nice vamps {contradiction?!}} but the story/cinematography was so amazing that I just watch it with the lights on. I love the RED blood against the WHITE snow {so graphic}.
Since my love of vampires began I haven enjoyed many vampire movies/TV shows and books:
What vampire pop culture awesomeness am I missing out on?! Help me out!
Surprised you didn't mention Joss Whedon's Buffy or Angel TV series. Have you watched them before?
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