Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Introducing The Music Maven!

In her natural habitat!  With
"The World's Nicest Drummer"
Spencer of A Silent Film
Introducing The Music Maven:  Tillie Elvrum!!
on FB/Twitter/G+/Instagram

Tillie has been a LIFE long music fan, falling in love with her favorite band U2 from their early beginnings.  She has continued her love of music through to present day. She will tell anyone who will listen {and even those who won't} about her favorite bands {in no particular order because she could NEVER pick!}:

Tillie is on the street hanging up posters, in the front row of their shows and making friends with the band and their fans.  She has picked up where MTV has left off, educating the masses on what is NOW in music.  I am happy to have her as contributor to this blog and in my life as my best friend. 

She writes her monthly music love letter What We're Listening To and Music Mondays, giving us "music worth nerding out over!"  Know her and love her as I do and stay TUNED to what she will send to our ears next!


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