Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Nerdist, ConDor & Whale Watching...Oh My!

Earlier in the week Chris Hardwick tweeted that there were studio audience tickets available for his BBC America show The Nerdist.  It is about to begin it's second season on March 30th {same day as Doctor Who!}.  I emailed them for two tickets and they got back to me with a yes.  So Saturday we drove up to LA for the taping, held at E!}.  One of my biggest kicks of the day was walking by Joe McHale's dressing room.

There were less than 60 people in the audience which was cool.  We were in the very back row, so it was had for me to see, so I stood most of the time.  Special guests were Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro and Battlestar Galactica's Katee Stackhoff.  There was even a tapped interview with Matt Smith which tickled my fancy.  Everyone was super funny and all the behinds the scenes people were very nice.  If you are in LA I would hit them up for tickets at

Early Sunday morning I woke up for the last day of Condor.  I was unable to attend Friday due to work and Saturday due to the above.  It was worth getting up for {even with the time change}.  This was my second super tiny con, my first being SD Comic Fest.  I started my day with a panel.  I did not get to attend panels at SD Comic Fest since the hunny was with me.  But since I was alone this time, I was eager to check them out.

They YA Fiction: Dystopian visions caught my eye!  LOVE Dystopian books {FAVs include Brave New World, 1984, The Giver and of course The Hunger Games}.

On the panel were Cecil Castellucci, Karri Thompson, Andrew P. Mayer, Stephen Potts {would love to take ALL of his classes at UCSD!}, Val Ontell {why didn't you mention you were on Jeopardy? Sweet!} and James Morris {see you at Wonder Con and SDCC!}.  Everyone was great and had a lively discussion of favorite their YA Dystopian novels and what they love about them.  I got a TON of books added to my reading list, some they authored {click on their links} and some they suggested {Tri Pod Trilogy, Bumped and The Uglies}.  Thanks guys!

After the panel, I hit up the vendors floor.  I met up with James Morris talked with him a bit and bought his book Sky Bound and his album.  Be checking back for a book review.  Hope to start reading it in the next week, sounds good!  You all should go check it out HERE!

Replica of The Time Machine.

Me and my favorite Doctor.

The TARDIS really is bigger on the inside. {Time travel theme?!}

After attending ConDor, I met up with the family for Whale Watching.  UGH never have to do that again.  Even with taking TWO Dramamine, I was still nauseous, it was FREEZING {for a San Diegan} and was an almost 4 hour trip {was getting hangry!}.  We did get to see these cute guys up REALLY close.

In the very last moments at sea, we were able to see one grey whale, which was quite awesome.  They were going extinct at one point in the early 1900s due to whale hunters, but are now back to their full population.  San Diego is also one of the only places in the world that you can see them.  Even though we had to stay at least 100 yards from them, he/she was still fairly close considering how HUGE they are.

So now after a VERY busy week and a VERY busy weekend, I am about to crash on the couch with some cheesecake and watch The Walking Dead!  Check back tomorrow for the next chapter in my San Diego Comic Con guide!  

Night NERDS!


Anonymous said...

If you ever see a small airplane ( Cessna , Piper.. Etc) flying low off the coast, that's a pretty good indication there is some marine life over there. Most of those boats that go out will follow low circling aircraft because we have the best view :-)

Love your blog! I check It daily!

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