In this new series I introduce you to my favorite nerd girls {and maybe a geek guy once and a while}. I have loved getting to know them and I hope you will too!
To kick things off, I will give you some more insight into myself, The Nerdy Girlie.
*How and why did you start blogging: I began blogging in 2009 as a personal place to share with family and friends our adventures of moving from the east coast to San Diego. I did include nerdy things there, but it wasn't the sole focus. I began blogging about SDCC in 2010. It was only after 2012's SDCC that I had the inspiration to begin The Nerdy Girlie and have loved every minute of it!
*Your favorite blogs to read: So many, see my full Twitter list! I draw inspiration from all of them.
*Favorite things to nerd out about: I am really good at getting on Netflix and doing marathons of shows. Since beginning this blog I have done, Fringe, Doctor Who and Sherlock. I can't wait to catch up on even more shows soon! And of course SDCC is my most favorite time of the year!
*Tips for SDCC: Every Monday leading up to SDCC I will be posting my tips. Check them out on my San Diego Comic Con Guide page!
*Girlie things you love: I have a major bag and shoe problem. Since I am a shortie, I love getting shoes that make me taller, it is such a different world when you are 5-6 inches up! I love SDCC for all the FREE bags you get. I also have a problem with hoarding shopping bags from stores I like. As a complete neat and organization freak, that is the one thing I let myself hoard.
STAY TUNED for my 1st Geek Girl Gab session later this week!
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