2013 has been one of the best years of my life. I have gotten to do so many amazing things and meet so many wonderful people! My life is truly blessed and I am thankful for everyday that I get to do what I LOVE! Here are my favorite moments from this perfect year!
10. Discovering new shows. Every year at San Diego Comic Con, I always find one new show to obsess over. This year it was Psych! Thanks to Netflix I was able to marathon all SEVEN seasons and am super PSYCH-ed for their musical episode on December 15. It was Netflix again that helped me become Sherlocked! At the beginning of this year, I finally decided to watch the first episode and was like OMG! I stopped there and let The Hunny catch up and we marathoned through in one weekend! Reign is my favorite new show of 2013 and BBCA is my favorite channel!9. Nathan Fillion encounter at SDCC. Though it did not go quite as I had planned, it was nice to finally meet "The Mayor of SDCC" after five years of attending. The Music Maven has a better story than I to tell. Feel free to ask her, she LOVES talking about it!

8. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. The 50th anniversary coincided with my Doctor Who one year anniversary. It was this time last year that I was Netflixing through the entire series reboot. David Tennant became my Doctor and my Whovian status was official. It was so amazing to celebrate 50 years of this brilliant show with some amazing Whovians! My friend Sarah had such an awesome party and I was even able to see the special again a second time on the BIG screen!

7. Creating the Female Geek Bloggers G+ group. Along with the lovely Geek My Life, we came up with the idea of connecting with other female geek bloggers like ourselves. We made this a group where we ladies can gather, exchange ideas and support each other. It has been such a wonderful way to find like minds and read other amazing blogs.

6. Meeting new friends and having a BLAST at SDCC. My fifth year at SDCC has been my favorite! I finally got to meet so many wonderful friends that I had met through this blog and on Twitter. Meeting everyone in person made the experience even more amazing than the past four years combined. SDCC is all about sharing your nerdom with other nerds like you! Thank you everyone for the hugs and chats! I cannot wait till SDCC 2014!

5. Other Cons. While I was making up this collage, I JUST realized that I was able to attend SEVEN cons besides SDCC this year! They were Con Dor, Vid Con, Wonder Con, D23, SD Comic Fest, Phoenix Comic Con and Stan Lee's Comikaze. I met even more Twitter friends at each con and was able to sit on my very first panel!
4. Becoming a Her Universe Fangirl of the Day. I submitted myself to be a Fangirl of the day and was so excited to wake up one morning having been picked! I love everything Ashley is doing to support and promote fellow fangirls. I hope I can do even just a little bit of what she does. Plus her clothing line for fangirls is AMAZING and I want to wear it all!3. A Silent Film shows with The Music Maven and The Gamer Geek. Along with celebrating my one year DW anniversary, it is also my one year ASF anniversary. Last year The Music Maven was raving about them! I was able to go to my first show for my 30th birthday this year {along with some amazing ladies!}. They and I fell in love with this band. So when ASF announced a November tour for this year, I knew that I had to attend a show with my Music Maven! I started out November with a show in Santa Ana and the next day I was on a plane to Colorado to see TWO more shows with The Music Maven and The Gamer Geek. It was so magical to experience this music with two people I love so very much and who understand the way music makes you feel. I even began guitar lessons because of one of ASF's You Tube videos. We shall see where I am at with that next year! GO LISTEN to "our band" and join our G+ page!

2. SherlockeDCC Party at SDCC. I was so excited to be asked by The Baker Street Babes to help them throw this amazing Sherlock themed party. Everyone who donated made this party what it was. We could not done it without all of their help! The best part was meeting so many awesome Sherlock fans and having the show's creators Steven Moffat, Sue Vertue and Mark Gatiss show up! Seeing the surprise on our guest's faces was priceless!

1. My one year blog anniversary. Four years after attending my very first SDCC I decided it was time to start a blog where I could share my love of all things nerd and help fellow nerds have as amazing time at SDCC as I do every year. I never dreamed that in one year I could have 100,000 views, almost 2,000 followers/friends on Twitter or have anyone even want to read what I write. I am so thankful to everyone who reads this, who comments or shares, I hope that I can continue to create content you love and that I love sharing with you!
Since writing this post, a special trip has come up. I will be traveling to England for Christmas! Since it hasn't happened yet, I didn't add it to the list, but it deserves a mention! You can count on it being number one for this year and many to come...stay tuned for all my adventures across the pond!
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Christmas season and 2014!
What experiences or moments had you squeee-ing this year?! Let's all fan-girl/boy out together in the comments below!
What a great year for you!
Thank you so much Vanessa! We gotta meet at 2014 SDCC so you can be in next year's collage! :) xo
What a year! Congrats on all your adventures and successes.
AND HOW EXCITING! You are going to have a blast in England this Christmas. If you want to visit Cambridge, look me up girl! x
Nice Story Now I Can Keep Up With You. Love And Kisses Grandma
Claire most defiantly will let you know what our plans are! :) xo
Great article Megan and thanks for including the pic with us and Tony (@Crazy4ComicCon) - It was a real pleasure to meet you in person at SDCC and we certainly hope it is not the last time we get to hang out.
We've followed along all year and LOVE the support that you have provided us and all the other Nerds/Geeks out there. Keep up the great work. Next year will be even better!!
What an awesome year!! I just found you recently, so it's really exciting to see all the things you've been up too!! And have fun in England! It's going to be amaazzzinnngg!
You're a real inspiration for fellow nerd girl bloggers! :) Congrats and awesome list.
So many fantastic moments. I can't wait to see what you get up to in 2014.
Sully thank you so much for the amazing comment, I am so happy we are nerd friends! Congrats on all your success with Nerd Fu & keep up the awesome work!! xo
Erin thank you so much your comment means so much to me! Haven an amazing 2014! xo
Steph you are so sweet, this comment made my day, thank you! xo
Happy holidays Cazz! Thank you!! xo
Here's to an amazing year! Hooray! And thanks again for starting that blogger group. I have met so many amazing new blog friends as a result.
Mariko so glad to hear that!! Thank you! xo
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