Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Nerdy Girlie's Fangirl Birthday Wish List!

Last week I shared my anglophile birthday wish list, this week it is all things I fangirl over!  From Doctor Who, Sherlock and Harry Potter {again all British! LOL} Check them out below!

The skull tee I found while shopping for Valentine's Day and thought it would be PERFECT for our 2nd SherlockeDCC party!  Ever so often I pursue the TOMS website and I found these palm tree TOMS!  I LUV San Diego and Palms so these shoes are perfect!  The boys over at The Nerd Fu shared these Futurama toys with me and I am so excited to see them come out!

Stay tuned for the last week where I share some awesome vinyls!  What awesome fangirl stuff have you found on the interwebs?! Share the links below so we can add them to our wish lists! xo


Joie Fatale said...

I like the Darryl's Poncho scarf!
Oh, and everything else on this list! My birthday is next week, so I should REALLY work on something like this heeheehee!

Anonymous said...

I was JUST crushing on that scarf today!!! Her Universe is having an insane sale btw <3


Leslie, isn't it amazing!? & thanks to your tweet today i saw the sale, so much awesome! xo

Unknown said...

No. 1 is my favourite! XD


Amicia, isn't it so funny! LOL Thank you for the comment! xo

Sully said...

Gotta love the Nerd Fu shoutout!! Thanks for the mention Megan and Happy early Birthday!!


Of course! You know I luv you guys!! Thank you! xo

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