Monday, July 28, 2014

San Diego Comic Con 2014 - Day Four

July 27th - Sunday, the very last day of SDCC 2014!  I remember alllllll the way back to Thursday and I thought I was tired then!  LOL  How naive I was.  Saturday was amazing and Sunday closed out the con perfectly!
I had hardly seen any of the outside events, so we started at the Constantine exhibit.  It was a quick line and we got to sit and be in AC!  Perfect for THE HOTEST con ever!  It has never been so hot or humid for SDCC before.  WOW!
The Constantine swag came in handy while I was waiting in the Lego line!  LOL  

Saturday night my friend Being Geek Chic told me first hand about the Lego Mini Figure exclusives.  They had gone all four days to get them and Sunday was the one she was most excited for UNIKITTY!  I had never done it before so I lined up at 11am and they met me there.  Of course for the first time ever, it started raining.  But it was only a short passing shower.
Once the line started moving, I was getting more and more excited.  I had never done this before!  I walked up to the iPad and pushed the button, it didn't work.  I pushed it again and WOOON!!!!!  I was so excited I almost walked off with out it!  Can you tell how excited we were?!  As soon as you get out of the line people were asking you to sell it for $100!!!  I was on such a high and the toy felt like such a trophy I couldn't sell!
Then it was time to see the rest of the floor.  I did all I had missed and The Music Maven got me the Little Vampires book from my good friend Rebecca Hicks!  Becca even drew me the CUTEST Sherlock Vampire!!!  It was then time to head up to the final panel of the day, hosted by @Crazy4ComicCon!  It was such a great panel, and also served as a quasi Twitter meet up!  I finally got to meet my awesome friends @HiddlesEducates and @TheMighytJerd.  I ALWAYS wish we have more time to chat!  DEFF next year!
SDCC ended with a lovely dinner with friends and lots of fun SDCC story telling!

I have a few more SDCC posts on the way.  I want to talk more about my Matt Smith experience and I really want to share what was my favorite part of the con this year.  Those are to come soon!!  I Hope everyone had a GREAT CON and SAFE travels home!!!


Unknown said...

I can't wait for more posts on SDCC! It looks like you've had so much fun - I definitely want to attend this in the near future (depending on funds)

rosa de los reyes said...

cant wait to read more!! xo


Fiona, that would be awesome, it is so much fun! Tiring but fun!!! xo


Thank you so much Rosa!! xo

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