Friday, July 18, 2014

SDCC 2014 Female Geek Bloggers Meet Up!

Hello to all my Female Geek Bloggers or just female geeks!  I have so many wonderful nerdy ladies that I know online, I'm sure you do as well, and I was hoping we could all get together!  SDCC is SUCH a crazy time, so I am planning a meet up for us!  I want to meet you all and have you all meet each other!

Thursday July 24th from 7:30pm - 930pm I hope you will join me at: 


At 9:30pm the Nerd HQ FREE dance party begins and I thought that anyone who wanted to, could join me at that as well!  I went last year and it was so much fun!

Now for the awesome surprise!!!  Think Geek and Black Milk Clothing have both sent me gift cards to give away at the meet up!!!  So if everyone comes and puts their name in the bowl you have a chance at winning one of those as well!!

Let's also plan on doing a group photo at 8:30pm!!  I can post it on my social media sites for you to download after the con!

Let me know what you think in the comments below!!!  I cannot wait to see you all there!!!


@AkiraLyns said...

Sounds great! I'll bring my boots & nerdiest Her Universe dress & we'll all have a good time! :)

Amanda said...

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I wish I could be there with all of you SO. BAD.

Joie Fatale said...

WOOT! I cannot WAIT!
I'm sooooooo excited to meet our crew of Geek ladies!

Unknown said...

This sounds like an amazing meet up with awesome prizes! I am so jealous! I wish I lived closer (UK problems)


Cannot wait to see it and you!!! xo


I wish too Amanda, next year?! xo


DITTO!!! xo Joie


Hopefully next time around Fiona!! Gotta talk with An Englishman in San Diego, he knows how to do SDCC internationally! xo

rosa de los reyes said...

im so very sad to say that i wont be making it to SD this year =/
i was so excited but please tell this will happen next year! <3
i hate it when unexpected things come up! hope you have a grand time!!!!!!



ROZ! So sad to hear this, but you gotta do what you gotta do!! xoxoxo DEFF see you next year!! xo

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