Friday, October 31, 2014

5 Fandom Friday: The Halloween Candy I Always Hope For When Trick-Or-Treating

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!  Ever since I was young I have had the BIGGEST sweet tooth!  I've only just started changing that in the past few months.  I am getting better at not eating a sweet every night and have been letting myself only have them on the weekends.  I'm my own buzz kill!  Here are the five sweets I dream about during the week!
1.  Kit Kat.  I'm not sure the origin of when I began loving the Kit Kat...but those mini ones will be the death of me one day!
2.  Haribo Gummy Bears.  ONLY Haribo gummie bears!  These have been my favorite candy since I as far back as I can remember.  I can even smell the difference between these and "other" gummies.
3.  Carmel Apple Pops.  These are from high school!  I can remember when these were a new item!
4.  Palmer Monster Money.  I always loved the ones that were half peanut butter, half chocolate!  Not many people passed these out so they were like really money to me!
5.  Starburst two pack.  Two yellows...WORST.  Yellow and orange...ew.  Pink and red...AMAZING.  Two reds...THE BEST!

What is your favorite Halloween candy?  Share you 5 Fandom Friday posts in the comments below so we can compare notes!  MMMMMMmmmmmMmmm candy!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN NERDS!



November  7th:  Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better
November 14th:  Smart Phone Apps I Cannot Live Without
November 21st:  Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast
November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For

| Check out my GEEK shirts! |


Natalie Patalie said...

Kit Kats made it on to my list, too! <3

Meghan Sara said...

Oh man! Monster munny! Those were so great! Remember the chocolate-peanut butter eyeballs? Foiled peanut butter truffles that were decorated like realistic eyes...oh man, those were so good! I haven't seen those in forever!

B said...

I have those caramel apple pops on my list too!

Emilee said...

Ahah! I talked about the Caramel Apple Pops debut too! At our high school it was totally "cool" if you had them in your backpack. They were such the "it" thing. So funny...

Unknown said...

Mmmmm Kit Kats. They are my fave! Here's my link - added in last week's to the bottom too as I missed it!

Happy Halloween!

Katya Owu said...

I liked that Starburst meme at the end! Your Kit-Kat wrappers look different to ours in the UK too, I've never seen that style packaging before haha xx

Whimsy and Noir said...

Happy Halloween, girly!! :)

Dahlia said...

Kit Kats! I left them off because of all the other chocolate treats I listed, but YES! And Starburst....just reading about them makes my mouth water. My children better hide their treat bags!!! :)

Claire said...

I've never seen such tiny kitkats before. They are adorable.

Stephanie Medeiros said...

Yes, those Monster coins! Like kid currency, lol.

Katherine said...

I share your feels on Starburst flavor rankings. Yellow and Orange are so objectively crap, I've never met anyone who likes them.

Unknown said...

Such a great list! Happy HALLOWEEN! :D


You have to check out Travis' blog, he likes yellow!!! {{GASP!}


Thanks Katya, I saw that and was like PERFECT!! I think I need to get some UK Kit Kats :) xx

Vanessa said...

"ONLY Haribo gummie bears!" YES! No other should be allow to EVEN be called gummie bears! It should be a Candy Law! Ha!

My brother and I would say if you got 2 red Starbursts you could make a wish because they were such a rare thing... like getting the 'star' on a Tootsie Roll Pop, seeing a falling star, or winning the lotto. :)

I did a twist on your topic and did "candy I hated to get"


So glad you feel the same Vanessa! I love the Starburst idea that is great!! LOL Your blog was super awesome, the spin was perfect! xx

Nicole M said...

I'm one of those weird people who loves yellow and orange Starburst haha! Peanut butter cups top my Halloween list though!

Joie Fatale said...

I feel like that Starbursts picture! I only like the pink and red starbursts. I can't eat most orange candies, so I usually end up throwing them away!

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