Friday, February 13, 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Fictional Couples I Ship

This might have been my most difficult 5 Fandom Friday!  I usually just ship the pairings that are given to me!  So I really had to dig deep and take time to think about this is January 9th.  I start thinking today...let's see if I can finish this for Valentine's Day!
Via Tumblr.

1.  Sherlock and Moriarty.  When Moffat showed us their almost kiss on Season three, episode 1, it was everything I never knew I wanted to see!
Via Tumblr.

2.  Sherlock and Molly.  This one I had been waiting for!  I'm sure there was a collective fan-girl gasp/squee when Sherlock flew into the window and did the famous hair ruffle and grabbed Molly into the swoon worthy kiss.  Yeah that was what I'd had been waiting for...who cares if it wasn't real!
Via Tumblr.

3.  Hannibal and Will.  One I have an unhealthy obsession with serial killers {Dexter, The Fall} and two Hannibal {the show and the actor} are both gorgeous.  The chemistry between he and Will has the perfect build.  Season two had the BEST season finale I have ever seen and I cannot wait to see where this relationship goes in season three!
  Via Tumblr.

4.  Carol and Daryl.  I just adore these two together.  Daryl has been through so much, as has Carol.  She is not the most likeable character in the series, but I don't blame her.  I am so happy they are back together, they both deserve some happiness!

5. I couldn't think of a 5th and it's February 11th. I didn't want to force my heart!

OK now your turn!  Make sure you share your links in the comments below!  Also tweet me so I can RT and go read yours!  I LOVE my Friday morning ritual thank you all for participating every week! Happy early Valentine's Day nerds! xx


February 20th: Things I've Bought But Haven't Read/Watched/Played Yet
February 27th: Character's I Would Name My Kids After

March 6th: Favorite Snacks/Drinks To Consume While Blogging
March 13th: My Fictional BFF's
March 20th: My Comfort Films
March 27th: One Fandom Item Styled Five Different Ways

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Krispy said...

Hah, Will and Hannibal do have some great chemistry! It's what makes the show work so well! I also like Sherlock & Molly, though she really deserves someone who will be nicer to her.

❤Cate❤ said...

Awwww Carol & Daryl <3333

♥ Cateaclysmic ♥

B. said...

Aw, Carol and Daryl! I ship them, but in a non-romantic way. I think they both give each other something the other needs!

Emily said...

I have way too many :). Sherlock and Molly, Oliver and Felicity, Regina and Robin Hood...the list goes ever on #notsorry

Nina said...

I was definitely part of the collective squee with the Sherlock and Molly kiss. HOT DAMN.

Christa Mae said...

Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I ship Daryl + Beth like madness. It actually makes me feel a little crazy for how bad I want it to happen. Like, my heart would implode if it did (even though we know it never will </3)

Stephanie Medeiros said...

That Sherlock and Molly gif still makes me swoon :D

Megan Gotch said...

YES, that entire ep of them was really good! That was a very sad day.

Megan Gotch said...

yes exactly B. They just have a lovely kinship! xx

Megan Gotch said...

Thanks Alice, I agree....Molly does need to get over Sherlock. But a girl can dream :)

Liz Keysmash said...

I'm on the Daryl/Rick ship myself. ;)

Kendall Ashley said...

Sherlock and Molly. YES. That hair flip was just too much. :)

Metal And The geek said...

I absolutely love Daryl and Carol. It was hard to pick fictional couples. haha

Emily said...

Here here.

Emily P said...

I looove that you have Sherlock & Moriarty on here! I ship them more than Sherlock & Molly. They would be cute together but Sherlock & Jim would be all sorts of angst that I would love!

sistahfromanotherplanet said...

I totally ship Juliette and Renard on "Grimm." Not forever, though. I just want them to hook up once.

sophie said...

This was such a fun topic, had to take some serious whittling down! Oh Sherlock, I luff it all BUT I had never come across the Moriarty pairing in the Cumberbatch version, so I also learnt of a new ship!

Megan Gotch said...

LIZ OMG that is amazing! LOVE IT!! xx

Katie OhToFeelPretty said...

Hannigram and Sherlolly <3. My biggest ship is Sam and Gabriel from Supernatural. But also Harley/Ivy from DC comics, and Tony/Loki. And a whole bunch of others... I ship so many things.

Actually, would it be okay if I started doing these on my tumblr? It's not my proper blog, but my main blog is mostly beauty focused, and I do a feature every Friday already. If it's not I can just keep answering in the comments section, because it's fun :)

Melissa (Eris) said...

Sherlock can be shipped with anyone and it would be hot. Cumberbatch is amazing

Andrea said...

Yay, Sherlock & Molly! :) I'm still way torn over them, I mean, my geeky little heart screams yes, but then I wish he'd just manage to be less 'Sherlock' and be more appreciative of her. She deserves someone nice...c'mon Sherlock, get your act together! :P

Kate (ChikSolo) said...

Oh, that Sherlolly gif is just so yummy. I definitely squee'd/gasped/swooned during that part of the episode!

Joie_Fatale said...

By the end of season 2 I was shipping Hannibal and Will too!
I ship this whole list! I also ship Daryl and Michone. The bad-a$$ offspring they'd have!

Jackie @ Books & Tea said...

I am terribly behind the times in the Walking Dead, but I ship Carol and Daryl. Those two shared with each other a vulnerability that they did not share with anyone else. I gobbled it up!

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