Friday, June 26, 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Guilty Pleasures

{Thank you @MeghanSaraK for this prompt}

What makes something a guilty pleasure? If you like it should you be guilty about it?! I don't think so, but here are a few things that others MIGHT find a bit....meh to like...NOT ME THO! LOL

1. One Direction. I've been a boy band fan from the beginning. But now that I am "older," it seems a bit "foolish" to like a young boy band. BUT does that stop me from rocking out in my car with the windows down, singing my lungs out?! Hell no! 1D4EVA
2. Disaster Movies. I have to admit it took me less time to see San Andreas than it did to see Jurassic World. Movie nerd fail! But I JUST LOVE me some disaster movies! I don't care how cheesy they are, I find them highly entertaining and educational considering my choice of living location. It was also the first movie I saw at the theater I work at! It was kinda surreal seeing it IN LA!
3. Aliens. I want to believe. Do I believe? Who cares they are super fun! From late night X-Files viewings that made me sleep with the lights on to my favorite show ever Futurama. I'm ready to see what is out there!

4. Vampires. Be them sparkly or not. I LOVE all vampires. I don't discriminate. I blame an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode back when I was a youngin' for my obsession with vampires and everything that comes along with them!
5. Phineas and Ferb. YES it is a kid show, but the BEST damn kid show out there! I've been working on a post to convince you all that you NEED this show in your life...coming soon!

This was a tough one! I don't really consider anything a guilty pleasure because if I like it, I DON'T feel guilty about it! LOL I cannot wait to get my coffee and cuddle up in bed to read your posts nerds! Keep them coming! Share them in the comments below and/or tweet them to me for a RT!


March 20th: My Comfort Films

May 29th: 5 Fictional Characters You Most Identify With

June 5th - Comic Book Heroes You Would Like To See With Their Own Series Or Movie via @JaymFace
June 12th - Favorite Fictional Fathers
June 19th - Characters With My Favorite Fictional Closet
June 26th - Fandom Guilty Pleasures via @MeghanSaraK

July 3rd - Five Favorite Aliens via @MeghanSaraK
July 10th - Five Spinoffs I'd Like To See Get Made 
July 17th - Five Things You Own That You Bought At Cons 
July 24rd - Five Fictional Vehicles I'd Love To Travel In
July 31st - Five Fictional Pets I'd Like To Adopt -  Via Sara Richey 

| Check out our GEEK shirts! |


Natalie Patalie said...


❤Cate❤ said...

I WANT TO BELIEVE! Love a good disaster movie to although its been a while since I last watched one lol xoxo


Alice - The Geeky Burrow said...

I just went with my favorite fandom things, because I don't feel myself guilty for wearing themed necklaces or playing LOTRO for an hour a day, haha!

B. said...

I love aliens too! And ghosts!

Crissy said...

3!!!!! I love aliens and watching shows like X-Files. I totally agree with guilty pleasures.. I don't think I can actually be guilty if I love it! haha

Liz Keysmash said...

We feel literally no guilt about our One Direction love. Heh.

Kate (ChikSolo) said...

"if I like it, I DON'T feel guilty about it!" <<< This! So, so much!

Kendall Ashley said...

Oh my word, Phineas and Ferb is great. I was introduced to them through nannying, but I have to admit, I definitely still watch it even though my nanny days are behind me!

Danielle Knapp said...

I love vampires too!! The Sookie Stackhouse book series and TruBlood are what really got me hooked :)

Kay said...

Phineas and Ferb is actually quite hilarious. My little one is still a bit young for it, but I used to baby-sit a girl who loved it and that show is so funny! And yes vampires forever!!

Mariko said...

I think most of my pleasures would qualify as "guilty." But I hear you on the vamp love. All fangs, all the time.

Melissa (Eris) said...

I have to remind myself the boys from One Direction are legal so I don't feel bad about crushing on Niall

ALifeMoreKawaii said...

I also feel 0 guilt. XD As for your list, I love love love almost anything vampire related (especially history). I can't get into Twilight or Vampire Diaries, but I also think it's cool that people love them. For me, it's more Dracula, or something horrifying, or the opposite: really cute. I also love aliens! Phineas and Ferb is wonderful! Jen and I love that show. ^_^

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