Friday, July 3, 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Five Favorite Aliens

Happy ALMOST 4th of July! What better way to celebrate than with ALIENS!! That's what the day is all about am I right?!


Futurama {my FAVE show EVER!} is FULL of aliens and so my list is dominated by that...BUT one of my favorite movies had to get a mention too! Check out my list below!
1. Leela. Badass starship captain AND chic outfit dresser. ALSO secret superhero! I've always wanted to cosplay Clobber-ella!
2. Amy Wong. YES she is totally an alien...she is from MARS! She and Leela together are me! I want to be like Leela, but am totally a girlie girl like Amy! #PINKEVERYTHING
3. Nibbler. He is pretty much a cat and can drive a space ship. Enough said. Tho scooping his poop would be quite a hassle.

4. Morbo. He is pretty much the funniest sub-character on the show. The way he doesn't hide his loathing of the human race is perfect when delivering the news TO humans! AND he's one of the Futurama character's I haven't made into an Everyday Cosplay...adding him to the list!

5. Independence Day Aliens. This is one of my top ten favorite movies so of course I had to diverge from Futurama and give it ONE spot on my list! I LIVE for disaster movies and Independence Day is one of THE best! Lil Nerdy Girlie fact, I use to know the entire President speech at the end of the movie. I paused/played my VHS tape and wrote down the entire speech. #NerdForREELz

WOW this was one of my favorite prompts ever! I LOVE aliens! I cannot wait to see what everyone else comes up with! Share your posts in the comments below and on Twitter for a RT! Have a fun and safe holiday nerds and see you soooooooooooooooooooon at SDCC!!!!!!


March 20th: My Comfort Films

May 29th: 5 Fictional Characters You Most Identify With

June 5th - Comic Book Heroes You Would Like To See With Their Own Series Or Movie via @JaymFace
June 12th - Favorite Fictional Fathers
June 19th - Favorite Aliens via @MeghanSaraK

July 10th - Five Spinoffs I'd Like To See Get Made via 
July 17th - Five Things You Own That You Bought At Cons via
July 24rd - Five Fictional Vehicles I'd Love To Travel In via
July 31st - Five Fictional Pets I'd Like To Adopt -  Via Sara Richey 

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❤Cate❤ said...

NIBBLER! Love your list also I need watch Independence Day again soon but I'm guessing it will be on TV tomorrow I mean it's tradition xoxo


Melissa Boom said...

I love nibbler he's on my list

Katya Owu said...

Amy is my fave Futurama character!!

B. said...

I hope ID4 is on this weekend! Other wise the networks have failed us.

ALifeMoreKawaii said...

Just in time for Independence Day, so clever! I adore Leela, and Futurama as a whole! You'd totally need a Nibbler. Here's my list! ♥ (I had to catch up, so you get last week's 5 Fandom Friday list too, haha.)

Mandy Curtis said...

I took part for the first time ever today! :)

Stephanie Aasland said...

Awww, Nibbler!

Megan Gotch said...

Loves me some Nibbler Steph! xx

Megan Gotch said...

Gonna watch it tonight either way B! xx

Megan Gotch said...

Futurama is my FAVE show ever and I love those characters so much I forgot to put the Doctor on the list! LOL xx

Megan Gotch said...

PERF Mel!! xx

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