Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Confessions of a Blogger

As a blogger living in LA there a lot of fun things I get to do! Conventions, concerts and lots of good coffee. From this side of the screen those things feel so few and far between, besides the coffee. A lot of my time, most of my time is spent typing away on my Macbook Air.

Sometimes I find myself feeling very alone, but ok with it. I get lost in my thoughts a lot, dreaming up new posts or working through a new project in my head. Thankfully I have my music to keep me company.

I wanted to begin to share some things you might not know about me as a blogger and hopefully they can help you in your blogging journey.

1. I don't like promoting myself. I do not like being a bother and I TRY not to post to much about ME on Twitter and as of late I've had trouble promoting myself all the while promoting clients. I just recently realized that the practices I am doing for them, I could be doing for myself. I LOVE what I’m writing and I feel it can help others, but I like the more organic way of people finding me. It feels more sincere.
2. I am now a morning person. This has only become the case since I began blogging. I never before would willingly wake up early. But now, I have ideas and find myself waking up voluntarily. There is so much promise for they day in the morning. First things first, coffee!
3. I love a good schedule. I wake up at 7 a.m. and give myself a few minutes in bed to wake up, and briefly check social media and emails before coffee. Then I have a set schedule on how much time I allow myself on each social media site before I begin work for the day. Distractions out of the way, I can get straight to business and get more accomplished.
4. I like to be two weeks ahead. Being ahead on my posts I don't get stressed out over my blog. I find it easier to write. I feel myself getting more ideas and I don't get burnt out because I have a buffer if I need to take a day off.
5.  I wear my PJs almost all day. Even though I wake up and have a schedule, I don't feel the need to change! It is usually around afternoon that I decide to shower and dress.
6. BUT I do love looking put together. I usually move to my favorite place Republic of Pie for the afternoon. It’s nice to get dressed and presentable even if it is just for myself. I love the feeling of a put together outfit. It makes me a more confident person and writer.

Do you have any blogger confessions? I would love to hear them in the comments below. Or even in a post! Remember to always enjoy what you are doing. Have fun and most importantly through these confessions I hope we can all learn from each other!

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Unknown said...

I definitely have to do this! A few of mine will be similar to yours for sure but I am up for sharing my confessions in the near future :)

Unknown said...

Will post tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Done and done -


that was so great thank you Lori! xx


I loved it now keep up the good work!! xx

Melificent said...

Fun!! I will definitely put mine together for next week :)

shell said...

What a great post. Thanks for challenging us, Megan!
Here's mine.

Kit said...

I totally agree about the PJs! :) And I'm very impressed by your schedule!

B said...

I just did mine!


Cannot wait to read it!! Hope you are/did have/having great travels!! xx


LOVED IT thank you!!! xx


Thanks Kit! LUV you girlie!! xx


Awesome B I loved it!! xx


Cannot wait to hear them Fiona!! xx


LOVED them Elle could totally relate! xx

Anonymous said...

Challenge accepted! Just did mine!

By the way Megan, kudos on sticking to a schedule and planning ahead! I try to plan some posts, especially if I know events are coming up, but for the most part, it's whatever just comes to me.


Thank you I do try hard to stick to a schedule, sometimes it can be overwhelming, but that is when a break is in order! LOVED yours thank you for sharing!! xx

Celeste said...

Thanks for sharing! I found the confession about how you schedule your time on each social media outlet extremely useful.


Celeste, thank you so much, so happy to help!! xx

Eris said...

Here's mine. A little embarassing but fun.

Stephanie Medeiros said...

Joining in finally!

Unknown said...

I love this post and I've finally got around to doing mine!

Erini CS said...

Posted mine yesterday! :)

Whimsy and Noir said...

Thank you for this post! Here's mine:


*aka*Krystelle said...

I had to join in, I've really enjoyed reading everyone's confessions :)

Unknown said...

This was so much fun!!


I AM LOVING THESE!! I am so happy to have such a fun and honest girl blogger community!! Thank you all for sharing yourselves!! xx

Dahlia DeWinters said...

This was so fun to do. It really made me do some serious self-reflections. I'm glad to see that we all share some of the same confessions!

Here's mine:

Emilee said...

I enjoyed that as well! I have a daily list of things I do, but I never thought about blocking out a certain amount of time for each social media site. It's incredibly easy to get distracted when doing that part.... <333

Also, I'm a little late getting in on this, but I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow so I'm going to do this! Too cute! Found you via North East Nerd. Fell in love from this post alone && followed on bloglovin, aha!


Emilee, thank you so much for coming over! I really appreciate it your comment made me have a happy morning!! I will be looking forward to hearing your confessions!! xx

Kacie Cruise said...

This was actually a very informative experience. Plus all of these link up posts is helping me work on my 3rd confession XD Thanks a bunch!

Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed this whole experience and reading all these lovely ladies post.

Neri said...

Thanks for the great post idea! I really enjoyed participating (And it was a great reality check for me, too). I can't wait to finish reading everyone else's confessions :)

Emilee said...

Good morning! <333 I have loved every minute of this link up. Everyone did such a fun job! Here's mine!

Kristin said...

It might be a bit (since I feel like I've done so many linkups/tags lately), but I SO love this idea!

Ruby Manuela said...

I always blog in my pajamas too! I like your post, I also blogged about my confessions, if you'd like to read about them.

Ruby Manuela said...

Thanks so much for this idea, I enjoyed reading your confessions and writing down mine!

Unknown said...

A bit late, but I finally got mine done β™₯

Unknown said...

Great post - I've been loving reading everyone's! Here are mine:

Jenn @ Optimization Actually said...

I wasn't sure if this was still going, but I've got blog confessions! (url:

Arbine said...

I finally got around to writing my Confessions of a Blogger post.

Blank Stace said...

Ha! So relate with #5. Saves a lot of money and time in flannels. Thanks for sharing so I know I'm not alone ;)

Emily Mae said...

Finally got mine posted! Love this idea, I've had fun reading all the posts and learning how other bloggers feel about blogging.

B. said...

I hate promoting my blog too, especially since I don't really have a "niche" or one true focus. That's why I just go around and try to comment like crazy!

skorpeo said...

If your blog is good enough (and yours definitely fits the bill!), it will promote itself. And if it doesn't fast enough, there are people like me who will link/mention the holy jebus out of it. (Just ask Shannon Fox, the Nerd Machine "Picking Favorites" podcast recapper.)

skorpeo said...

I don't know you, and you don't know me, but YOU ARE AWESOME FOR THAT COMMENT ABOVE!!! I'm trying to get into the whole blogging thing, but I don't have a particular "thing", and I don't want to yammer on like the annoying coworker who traps you at the coffee machine. Thank you for the kindred-ness (fairly certain that's not even a word, but you get what I'm saying...)

Joey Roberts said...

Lol you all make me feel a little less alone on this boat! Thank you for these. I thought I was crazy.

Joey Roberts said...

I can't live without my planner. If I don't have it on me, videos and posts don't get launched or created. I write most of my blogs ahead of time and film far in advance because I have a full time job. If I don't do those things, there's no way anything else would get accomplished.

skorpeo said...

Whoa, never said you weren't crazy.

(Just not crazy alone! ;) )

Megan Gotch said...

I LOVE my planner & I love the messiness of it! It really is one of the only place I'm messy! I love letting my ideas flow and just be in there! But yes if it wasn't for that, things would not happen on this site! xx

Megan Gotch said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH I appreciate that more than you know! I love this blog and the people it has brought into my life! xx

Nichole said...

This is fabulous! I don't feel so bad now for having a planner that looks so messy but organized. Love your schedule above. I'm going to have to print this off.

melificent said...

I hate promoting my blog too!!! I get so shy and feel so stupid plugging myself (especially in person). I know it would benefit it, of course, so I'm slowly learning but I'm glad I'm not the only one!

ps; days spent in my PJ's are my favorite days!

Kay said...

I often wait to shower and dress until afternoon, at least in the winter. In summer, we tend to be outside from the get go, so I have to be presentable right away haha. Also, I really need to work on WRITING my posts ahead of time. I usually only have a few days worth done at a time, despite having them all planned out for the whole month. I need to come up with a writing schedule for getting the posts done!

Mindy Nickel said...

Loved reading these! I also struggle with self-promotion. I love doing it for my friends, but sometimes I feel like a bother when I try to do it for myself. I also plan out lots of my posts in advance! I typically keep a schedule in Google Docs and have a back-up note of when they'll go up in my physical planner.

Julio Ramos said...

My confession... This blog is fun to read. Enjoy reading about your point of view and seeing life how you see it. Has given me much thought about maybe one day starting up my own blog.

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