Monday, July 25, 2016

Figuring Out My Place In Time And Space: FOMO

How does it feel to miss your very first San Diego Comic Con in 8 years?

Like shit.

Everyday I went back and forth as to wether or not I should/could attend.

Geeks Go Glam 2015 hosted with Liz Giorgi.

My ticket arrived in mail and I was like I can go!

Nickelodeon announced a 90's themed booth and panels and I was like I can go!

The rest of The Nerdy Girlie team will be there and I was like I can go!

Then I started pricing out my trip to my brother's wedding in Seattle at the beginning of August and I was like, I can't go. When you start adding up flight, hotel, food, and of course I would want to buy all the things, that TIMES my brother's wedding would be just too much. And mostly importantly it would be irresponsible.

I'm able to get by financially every month. I can splurge a bit on little things here and there and I have a decent amount in my savings. But I want to keep it that way and with my new job, the wedding and ALL the bills, I thought it was the adult decision not to go.
My first SDCC in 2009 with my first con exclusive!

Did it hurt? Of course! All of my favorite people in my favorite place and I wasn't. But what is more important in life? To me after everything I went through with my divorce last year, it is finical and personal independence.

I still want to grow my blog and by writing for Blastr's Fangrrl site, I'm hoping that will come sooner than later. It has been four years now since I began The Nerdy Girlie. Finally getting paid to do my two favorite things, writing and photography is a dream come true. I just need to remember, that I just started doing both and that things take time.
But guess what? This weekend wasn't a total bust. My best girls took me out for pie. The gang met up for dinner and drinks and Ocean Eyes took me to Estes Park and we marathoned Stranger Things. I also tried on my bridesmaid's dress for my brother's wedding and I'm starting to get excited about it. I've never been to Seattle and Ocean Eyes is coming too! It will be a wonderful trip.

I keep saying this, but I need to focus on my memoir 100 Cups Of Coffee. Now that I've gotten you nerds through SDCC 2016. I need to do just that. So it's time to recoup and do another blog break.

Now I need to ask you guys a favor: What do you guys want out of The Nerdy Girlie?

I write for you and me. But I want to make sure that even with all of my personal pieces, that I am still giving you all something you look forward to reading. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you! It is so therapeutic. I just want to make sure you guys are getting something out of reading my posts. So what follows is a little survey. Fill it out if you want to :)

Create your own user feedback survey

I'm not sure how long the break will be, but I do know that I will be applying for SDCC 2017 press and I will see you guys there next year! Hope everyone had a great time and don't forget to enter our 4th Blog-iversray giveaway! Thank you nerds!! xx

{I am forever Figuring Out My Place In Time And Space. Learn and grow with me by reading my other heart felt and often over sharing articles!}


B. said...

I skipped this year too and missed it horribly. But I already have my place booked for next year!

Danielle Knapp said...

One of these years I hope to make it out there <3

Mariah Kaercher said...

Let's plan a trip together? Girl's Geek Night! :D

PeterHSL said...

It was my Con 25th Anniversary and it was bitter/sweet! My kids finally came with me to the Con and had a great time but I didn't get to see some of my favorite Con personalities. Nerdy Girlie obviously, but also Tony Kim @Crazy4comiccon and Joe Blablazo and Mike of Deathless comics Just didn't get to meet up with any of them. here is to next year's Con!

Megan Gotch said...

Yes me too B! Next year is happening! See you there! xx

Megan Gotch said...

I like the sound of that! xx

Megan Gotch said...

To next year! xx

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