Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Nerdy Girlie 4 Year Blog-iversary + Giveaway!

Is it a coincidence that my blog-iversary always ends up around San Diego Comic Con?!

No. No it is not!

I started this blog four years ago because I fell in love with everything SDCC. The city, where I lived, the panels, the swag, the celebs. But I soon found out it wasn't about any of those things. Those things were great and made Comic Con what it is, but my SDCC is about my friends.

  • If it wasn't for SDCC I wouldn't have started this blog.
  • I wouldn't have my best friends.
  • I wouldn't have the courage to write my words.
  • I wouldn't be living in Denver.

SDCC started it all for me in 2009 and I didn't even know it. It changed my life in a good way. It let me express myself and it's helped me grow as a person and find life long friendships.

So even though I won't be with you all at Comic Con 2016, I'll be dreaming of next year and continuing to be happy I FIGURED OUT MY PLACE IN TIME AND SPACE.

I have a giveaway for you all to help celebrate the occasion, but first my top four things that have happened since starting this blog!
1. Finding my friends. Through this blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Female Geek Blogger G+ group, we have found each other. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. I can't believe I get to be apart of such a fun, loving and caring group of nerds!

2. Finding my voice. I've never really struggled in my life before. I had it easy. But when I decided to get a divorce, easy was no longer an option. And I'm grateful for it. It helped me live the life I dreamed of living and it helped me find my true and honest voice. 100 Cups of Coffee wouldn't have happened either and I'm so proud of what it is becoming!
3. Being brace in the face of the unknown. This past year or so has been rough. Thank you for being there every step of the way and helping me through. With comments, tweets, emails and texts. You are amazing!
4. Being on a San Diego Comic Con panel. After SDCC brought all the happiness into my life. It came back full circle and I finally sat up on the stage of the place I had been going to for seven years. Thank you Comic Con and Tony Kim for making that dream come true.

NOW for the giveaway! I have a bunch of nerdy stuff to send your way so enter below!
Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Twilight goodies. Killing It: The Action Girl's Guide To Saving The World! Jordandene is giving away one of her and I's colab shirts!!

2 candles from Geek Girl Scents!
2 awesome limited edition #SDCC sticker from Crash Boom Designs!!

Thank you nerds! I LOVE YOU!!! xx

Don't forget our San Diego Comic Con Photo Hunt begins today at SDCC Preview Night! Have fun for me nerds!!


Alice - The Geeky Burrow said...

Happy blogversary!!! โ™กโ™กโ™ก

Kay said...

Happy Blogiversary Megan! I've never been to SDCC, but I love keeping up with all the happenings through my favorite blogs. :)

Kendall Ashley said...

Happy blogiversary! I've never been to SDCC, but I'm making serious plans for next year!

Lysette Madrigal said...

Happy Blogiversary Megan!!! I've never been to SDCC but I loved watching the coverage on G4 when it was still on air!

Heather S said...

I've never attended SDCC - I'm a few states away, but plan on it someday!

Lenore Bracklay said...

Congratulations! many more to come!. I believe your first SDCC was back in 2012 same as Leonard Sultana and I :) It's been a long ang awesome road. And for my favorite Con moment, I don't know, I have so many! Maybe when Matt Groening ask ME for a picture (I was a Zombie) It took me a minute to realice that I was cosplaying. Or the 3 times I got 1st row at Hall H >__< everything is magical at SDCC. The greatest must be to have meet so many awesome friends.

Katie Hogan said...

Happy 4 years!! Hope the next years of blogging are just as awesome!!

Ravanel Griffon said...

Happy blogoversary! Appreciate everything you've done for the community, and I always love reading your "figuring out my place in time and space" posts. Keep it up!

P.S. Found out only after I started entering for the giveaway that you need an Instagram account for it, which I don't. So feel free to remove my entry.

Rebecca Mello said...

Happy blogoversary! Congrats on 4 years! Here is to hoping you have many more!

Edie Castell said...


Jessie Johnson said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! Wishing you many many more!

Superorange; said...

I don't have any SDCC memories except for watching from afar! I can't wait till I can be there in person one day.

Sara Strauss said...

Happy blogiversary!! SDCC is a great reason to start a blog! I've always always wanted to go!

Natalie Patalie said...

I still haven't been to SDCC! Someday, I hope :) But I do love all the upcoming show/movie trailers that premiere at SDCC and then online later that day, hahah!

Serena Powell said...

Unfortunately, I've never had the chance to go to SDCC. One day though!

Karen said...

Congrats on Year 4!! I have yet to make my way to SDCC, but I am loving convention life here in Orlando!

Megan Gotch said...

You guys are the best! Thank you for everything! xx

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