Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Figuring Out My Place In Time And Space: How To Move In Together

Ocean Eyes and I met on December 6, 2015. We became official on February 2nd, 2016. I moved in on January 15, 2017.
My desk! Now I just need to hang stuff up on the walls!

How did we do it? How can you do it too? One word communication.
My NEW room!!!

It was tough in the beginning because that was something I was still learning. My ex-husband was not a very good communicator and so I never had a chance to hone my own skills in that department. Towards the end of 2016, the time came when my lease was going to expire. Ocean Eyes and I had to make a decision together. One night we went out for a fancy dinner and we communicated.
LOVE my cozy bed! {ps this is a spare room! We don't have separate beds! LOL}

We talked about alone time, expenses, chores, me wanting a cat, decorating, where all my stuff would go and home improvements. WHEW. But by the end of that dinner as we were waiting outside for our Lyft, we decided that we were both ready.
Our skeleton alcohol bottle collection!

So it began. I slowly started bringing my stuff over. And we slowly found places for my things. We bought book cases together, we re-arranged things. We moved out everything from one of the downstairs bedrooms, I painted. He made room for me in his bathroom. We fixed up the bathroom that connected to my room downstairs. It started to feel real.
Our awesome bar!

Then the day came when my apartment was empty and everything was in his place. I won't lie and say that I wasn't feeling nerves, then and now, but at least now I feel on a schedule and that is what matters most to me. I like having my time to write in the morning, making my waffles, having Ocean Eye's bring me coffee in bed, making my lunch and going to work. Coming home and making a Blue Apron with him and then relaxing with a glass of wine and a good book.

Now I can say I'm finally settled after two years of not. It feels great to be home. With Ocean Eyes.


Kay said...

Glad to hear it was a smooth transition!

Lori said...

So happy you're happy <3 :D


Natalie Patalie said...

Congratulations!! Moving in together is stressful, but so fun once you get a little more settled in!

Megan Elvrum said...

Thank you so much Natalie! It feels strange that I don't have to leave! LOL But it has been great so far! XX

Megan Elvrum said...

Thank you so much Kay! It has been great I'm super happy! xx

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