Monday, July 15, 2019

Wonder Woman 5K

Yesterday I had the pleasure of running the Wonder Woman 5K with my best friend here in Denver. The entire experience was inspirational. Surrounded by that many woman, made me excited and ready to race. It was even more special to have my best friend by my side. If you are looking for a race to make you excited about woman, comics or missing Comic Con, this one is for you!

Starting line selfie!!

We started out super early in Denver's Civic Center Park. Which was perfect because it ended up being an extremely hot day. I always LOVE running downtown, since I'm not in the area much. The crowd was exciting and we were started off by Wonder Woman herself via video message. It almost felt like a mini Comic Con with all the cosplayers and camaraderie!
Once we were off, the course felt easy and my bestie and I stayed a good pace throughout the race.
My favorite part of any race is the photos and Wonder Woman did not disappoint! We even had a video of our finish as well. I loved coming in under the big arch, made me feel like Wonder Woman! 5Ks come easy for me know, but that little extra push at the end is always welcome!
I run 5Ks for many reasons and one is the medal! LOL I never received medals as a child, so they are very special to me now. Running didn't come naturally to me in the beginning so finishing and receiving a memento is always a nice wrap up. The medals at the Wonder Woman 5K were HUGE and so shiny. I am such a dork I always end up wearing my medal for the rest of the day, including through our celebratory brunch at Onefold.
I'm always thankful for the amazing ladies in my life. Liz for running with me here in Denver. Steph for inspiring me to start my 5K journey and everyone who reads this blog and takes a chance on running. You can do it. Take it from me, who didn't think she could. But did. xx Meg


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