Sunday, November 10, 2019

10 Movies To Watch Before San Diego Comic Con

Whenever SDCC rolls around, I always feel like I need to play catch up!  This year I'm on the ball with my list of movies to watch before the con that will get us all ready for what is coming in this amazing year of movies!

1. Guardians Of The Galaxy. I was hesitant on this one when it first came out to be honest, but was blown out of the water! This is the best Marvel movie thus far, in my opinion. It will be hard to beat, but I'm sure they will manage!

2. Jurassic Park Trilogy.  One of my all time favorite movies. I have no problem watching and re-watching this one. It really holds up with everything, story, action and those amazing dinos! Plus now we have Jurassic World trilogy too.

3. The Original Star Wars Trilogy. What better way to relive your childhood than to dive back into these movies? And The Rise of Skywalker is coming to screens on December 20th! Be prepared.

4. Back to the Future Trilogy. The best time travel series hands down! I love the original, BUT that sequel, could it get any better!? The sequel will forever be one of my favorite movies because you get the best of the first, plus the future. I know everyone bags on the third, but watching all three through at the same time, you get to see so much connection!

5. The Harry Potter Series. Thanksgiving break is my go to time to watch the series each year. I put them on and decorate for Christmas. Now, or anytime really, is the perfect time to reconnect with the brilliant series.

6. Mad Max. I love dystopian anything so I LOVED Mad Max. It was beautiful. Good story line and tons of action.

7. Avengers (OR an EPIC Marvel Marathon! You have time!). Another home run for the Marvel franchise. The Saturday H Hall Marvel panel is always one for the record books, they know it and always bring it for their fans. Start your line planning now!

8. Looper.  I LOVED this movie. The future, time travel, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, what more could you ask for? I love a great sci-fi movie!

9. Independence Day. The original movie is one of my top favorites ever! Aliens and destruction?! YES please! The newest one Resurgence was just what I wanted it to be! If you as big of a a fan of the original as I am, here are my reasons as to why you must see the sequel!

10. Serenity. A nerd classic. If you already marathoned the show, or haven't, this is the perfect movie to watch before any con! Anytime is a good time for Serenity!

What movies do you find yourself re-watching before a con?! Share them in the comments below and lets grow this list!!


B. said...

This is a great list! I can't think of much to add!

❤Cate❤ said...

Looper is such a good movie, I definitely need to re-watch that soon and everything else on this list! Paul always gets me in the mood for a con it's so cute and funny and brings back some awesome memories xoxo

♥ Cateaclysmic ♥

Usagi said...

Great picks! I was kinda sad the only thing they had for Jurassic World was the jeep running around Gaslamp. Here's hoping there will be more this year!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I've seen all but 3! Great stuff!

Megan Gotch said...

Me too, I tried to get that Jeep but no one ever came it is such a bummer! They have loads of fans dying over their stuff! xx

Megan Gotch said...

Aw thanks b! xx

Megan Gotch said...

Katya good idea!! xx

Elora said...

Haha, Guardians of the Galaxy was incredible!! A definite favorite! i was so excited about it when I saw the trailer, the classic music just won me over! Seriously, that movie should get top marks just for its soundtrack!

So--Guardians is definitely on my list, along with Winter Soldier (LOVE that movie!!), Avengers, Thor--and the first Iron Man. And definitely the Original StarWars! I'm so excited that the new movie is being done with more actual sets than CGI, like the last trilogy. I loved that natural, gritty look of the Original Trilogy.

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