It was actually back in July. But I wasn't ready then. I've not written on the blog much this year. And so much has happened. I cannot wait to share my 2020 journey with you.
January - 2020 started off great with my annual girls trip to Mexico. It was rough, I was sick the entire time, but I'm so glad that we plan on this each each year. It is always a highlight.
February - Not great. Lots of couple's therapy that just put a bandaid on the situation. Plus, I started individual therapy for the first time and have been doing it ever since.

March - Best birthday ever with my besties! Then COVID hit. I was very fortunate to be able to move to work from home on March 26th.
April - wfh and shelter in place, learning the new normal and how dysfunctional my relationship was.
May 4th - breakup 💔
May 9th - moved out 🏠
June - a complete mess 😥

July - I took my 4th of July solo road trip and my eyes opened. I saw new things. I took the long way. I had fun. I'm excited to see new things, plan future things and live my best life! I begin moving towards my happy.
August - Getting over: numero un deuxieme & gandhi

September - I head out on my solo Labor Day road trip to Moab, Grand Canyon and Taos. I wanted to do it alone and I did. It was exciting to be out on the open road, seeing new things and letting myself feel any feelings I needed to. I came back enjoying being alone.
The rest of 2020. My 100 days of not seeing my ex is October 6th. I am going to think about dating at that time. My eyes are open so much wider now. With my therapist, friends, meditation and conscious leadership, I'm ready to journey into finding my final partner. Thank you for joining me. 🥰
Can't wait to see where your next journey takes you!
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